MiniSteam 1-4 Little Brother Casting Set Air Cooled

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SKU: MiniSteam 1-4 Litl Bro Cast Air
Regular price $295.95

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Paul Breisch Lil Brother Air Cooled Hit and Miss Casting Kit

Identical to the water-cooled engine except for the water hopper
Kit Contains:

Aluminum Castings (1)

Cast Iron Castings (7)
2 Flywheels, Cylinder Cap, Base, Air Cooled Cylinder, Bearing Caps

Set of Boston Gears
Detailed Blueprints
Name Plate

Little Brother Model Specifications:
Flywheels - 4 1/2 inch
Bore - .750 inch
Stroke - 1.0 inch

A lathe and milling machine are needed to finish the castings and to fabricate the additional parts required.

Shipping weight 10 lbs.